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Usage:  Dilute 1 to 3 drops of Nascent Iodine in water, take in the mornings. Do not exceed 3 drops daily unless recommended by your health care provider. For best results, take 200 mcg of selenium (1 capsule) daily any time you consume iodine. 

During the first 2 weeks, symptoms of detoxification such as headaches or fatigue are normal. Avoid taking this supplement at bedtime.

My nascent iodine formula is a dietary supplement made from magnetized iodine in a liquid solution. Unlike other Iodine formulas in the market, my magnetized formula is created for human consumption and is therefore labeled as a food supplement. My formula in not bound to any other minerals, making it a high a concentrate that it is easily absorbed by the body. Only a few drops per day are necessary.  Even mild deficiencies of Iodine, which are quite common have been linked to hypothyroidism, which can lead to various health issues. According to the World Health Organization, more than 1 billion people are currently at risk for iodine deficiency.

If you are experiencing symptoms of deficiency or know that your iodine levels are too low, correcting a deficit is the main benefit of nascent iodine.

What are the Benefits of using Nascent Iodine? 

  • It Promotes Thyroid Health- In some cases, you may need iodine supplementation to help reduce your risk for iodine deficiency, or as a nutrient aid thyroid function or in the case of goiter.
  • Strengthens the Immune System- It may help remove toxins such as Chlorine, Fluoride, Mercury, Bromide and Lead. I can boost the Immune System by stimulating the stagnant antioxidants found in the body while facilitating the evacuation of free radicals.
  • Boosts Energy The lack of adequate iodine concentration can lead to a lack of energy. The thyroid cannot convert the inactive thyroid hormone T4 into the active thyroid hormone T3 without proper Iodine levels. The active thyroid hormone T3 is what is used to regulate your metabolism and carry out biochemical reactions that are related to producing the energy.  
  • Assists in weight loss- Iodine can aid in the body’s ability to burn calories more effectively. It helps maintain sufficient levels of the thyroid hormones that regulate your weight and energy level. Supports a normal inflammatory response – Iodine seems to lower the C-reactive protein, one of the main indicators of inflammation while supporting a normal inflammatory response.
  • Good for Skin Health- Yes, iodine is good for healthy skin. Iodine is a vital mineral that the body requires to function properly. It helps to regulate the thyroid gland and plays a role in metabolism. Healthy metabolism equals healthy skin and hair.
  • Good for Teeth- Iodine is important for the development of teeth and bones. Studies show that tooth decay and cavities are often related to an iodine deficiency. 

The History of Nascent Iodine 

Since the mid-1920s, this form of iodine has been used as an antiseptic and germicide. Before there were antibiotics, nascent iodine was credited for its concentrated antimicrobial characteristics, tissue-building antimicrobial, germicidal and antiseptic capabilities. It was commonly used to treat varying types of ailments, from cuts and boils to fevers and general infections. Nascent iodine was also used in dentistry during the early 20th century to stop bleeding and avert infections. It was typically applied after tooth extractions to urge the growth of new tissue and accelerate healing.

How does it work?

Nascent iodine is in an atomic form. This means it gives off an electromagnetic charge due to its incomplete number of electrons, which is said to improve its assimilation in the body. The body can effectively absorb and harness nascent iodine for metabolic and detoxification processes, making it a hyper-efficient supplement for the body. 

It has been determined that the thyroid needs about a hundred and fifty micrograms per day for adequate functioning, but it’s now known that the whole body can benefit from the consumption of iodine. 

On the surface of the thyroid there is a glycoprotein called NIS. This glycoprotein imports the iodine that we’ve consumed into the thyroid, and then makes the thyroid hormone from there. This goes beyond just the Thyroid. Iodine is said to be necessary for many other parts of the body. NIS has now been found to mediate the transportation of iodine into various tissues of the body including the Liver, Pancreas, Salivary Glands, Skin, Mammary Glands, Nasal Pharynx, Lacrimal Glands and the Gas triatic Lining. 

Iodine really is a mineral essential for human health and optimal immune function. Called the "endocrine mineral", it is important not only for the thyroid gland, but also your adrenal gland, your reproductive system (both sexes), and the entire hormone system.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Gigi Y. on  Apr 22, 2024


Mi experiencia con el yodo nascente] ha sido muy positiva, he notado un aumento significativo en mi energía y enfoque mental. Lo recomiendo 100%

Noemi R. on  Feb 21, 2023

Buen producto

Se utiliza muy poco producto y rinde mucho.

Janai V. on  Feb 15, 2023


Desde el primer uso me sentí con más energía y me ayudo para mi metabolismo

Ruth. on  Feb 15, 2023

Excelente producto

Me ha ayudado a comenzar mis mañanas con más energía.

Fernando M. on  Feb 14, 2023

Me gustó bastante

Muy buen producto, al poco tiempo empecé a sentirme diferente incluso hasta con más energía

Ada S. on  Feb 14, 2023


La primera semana de uso y ya puedo sentir sus beneficios. Ha mejorado tanto mi energía que no quiero parar de recomedarlo al mundo.