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Suggested Usage: Take 1 capsule daily with a meal.

Zinc is needed for the proper growth and maintenance of the human body. It is found in several systems and biological reactions, and it is needed for healthy immune function, wound healing, blood clotting, thyroid function, proper skin repair and much more.

Caution: For adults only. This product is not intended for long term use; use only as directed. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Consult a physician if taking medication or have a medical condition. Keep out of reach of children. Natural color variation may occur in this product.

Zinc is one of the most common minerals in the human body. Almost 100 enzymes in the body use zinc to function. It plays many rolls that are crucial for the health of all cells, tissues, organs, and bones.  

A person's serum zinc levels may not accurately reflect their true zinc level. Zinc is present throughout the body as a component of proteins and nucleic acids. In over 300 enzyme reactions, it is a structural pillar for over 3,000 proteins in your body. There are more biological functions associated with zinc than with all of your other trace minerals put together.

What are the Benefits Zinc can Provide?

  • Supporting the immune system
  • Deficiencies in zinc can impair your immune system and impair your response to invaders. Enough zinc is imperative for the proper functioning of your white blood cells.
  • Promoting respiratory wellness
  • Studies have shown that adequate zinc contributes to respiratory health, even when you are confronted with seasonal challenges.
  • Helps to reduce the buildup of faulty proteins in the brain
  • In your brain, when proteins lose their correct shape because of damage, they stop working correctly and can cluster. Zinc is essential for the stabilizing proteins, helping them maintain their correct shape. Cognitive function can be dependent on this factor.
  • Enhancing taste, smell and sight
  • A lack of zinc can result in a loss of taste, which in turn can lead to a decrease in appetite. The taste and smell organs can die faster if you are deficient in this nutrient. Zinc and vitamin A work together to help your eyes perceive light and deliver nerve impulses to your brain.
  • Supporting bone health

It is important to note that zinc plays a vital role in the composition of your bone matrix and helps maintain the fragile balance between bone formation and bone breakdown as you grow older. Moreover, it assists bone mineralization by acting as a cofactor for alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme found in your bone cells.

Supporting healthy cell growth and replication

Healthy cell replication is governed by the DNA of your cells. Research shows that increasing zinc levels can improve DNA strand breaks and serum protein concentrations involved in DNA restoration, as well as boost antioxidant and immune functions.

Protecting your retina from cellular damage

According to research, zinc may postpone the onset of age-related vision loss, possibly by protecting against free radical injury to the cells in your retina.

Aiding in the nutrient absorption 

In your body, zinc is involved in a complex interaction with other nutrients, including folate, which helps facilitate the absorption of nutrients from food. Insufficient zinc can increase the need for vitamin E. Additionally, zinc is a cofactor in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins.

Common Symptoms of Zinc Deficiency?

  • Mental fogginess 
  • Frequent respiratory infections
  • Sleeping problems
  • Slow wound healing
  • Appetite los
  • Occasional moodiness 
  • Decrease taste and smell 
  • Difficulty hearing
  • Decreased libido
  • Food and environmental allergies
  • Hair loss and skin problems
  • Leaky gut and stomach complaints
  • The zinc you consume may not be absorbed and used by you even if you are getting enough in your diet.
  • How does Stress play a role?
  • A significant contributor to zinc deficiency is emotional stress

In order to help repair the damage caused by stress, your body sends zinc to your brain, organs, muscles, and skin. Having difficulty controlling stress in your life can negatively impact your adrenal health. The result of adrenal fatigue is not only a deficiency of zinc, but also a deficiency of calcium and magnesium.

In order to maintain a healthy balance of hormones, including thyroid hormones, you must consume adequate amounts of zinc. Additionally, zinc contributes to the production of progesterone, cortisol, and aldosterone, hormones necessary for good health and a proper inflammatory response.

Who are at greatest risk of Zinc Deficiency?

Those 60 and over- Because older patients tend to consume less zinc and also appear to absorb less of what they do consume, it’s important for older adults to pay closer attention to their zinc intake.

Vegetarians- The highest amount of bioavailable zinc is found in animal foods such as oysters, liver, and pastured beef. They are not only the best zinc sources, but they may also enhance your ability to absorb zinc. Zinc from plants is not absorbed as well as zinc from animals. In comparison to meat eaters, vegetarians may require 50 percent more zinc.

Digestive and GI disorder patients- Intestinal and digestive disorders may decrease zinc absorption and increase zinc expulsion from the intestinal tract, urinary tract, and even the kidneys.

Excessive alcohol Intake- It is estimated that up to half of alcoholics have low zinc levels. Zinc absorption in the intestinal tract is decreased by ethanol consumption, while zinc excretion in the urine is heightened. 

Pregnant and/or Nursing Women- It is essential that high levels of zinc are present in a developing fetus. The risk of developing a zinc deficiency during pregnancy increases if a woman has marginal zinc levels prior to conception. Lactation can also reduce a mother's zinc reserves. Considering this, pregnant and nursing women are often advised to consume higher amounts of zinc on a daily basis than other women.

What is the best form of Zinc?

To determine the comparative absorption rates of different forms of zinc, researchers measured zinc levels in hair, skin, and urine since these areas hold the highest concentrations of zinc in the body. According to the study, zinc picolinate was more readily assimilated by test subjects than zinc citrate and zinc gluconate.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Giuliana Marie D. on  May 11, 2024


Después de investigar sobre los beneficios del zinc para la salud de la piel, quize probar el zinc picolinato. Estoy impresionada con los resultados hasta ahora. Mi acné ha disminuido significativamente y mi piel se ve más radiante. Además, he notado una mejora en la salud de mis uñas. Este producto ha superado mis expectativas y definitivamente lo incluiré en mi rutina diaria de cuidado de la piel.

Patricia T. on  May 11, 2024

Altamente recomendado!

Como vegetariana, siempre estoy buscando formas de asegurarme de obtener suficiente zinc en mi dieta. Decidí probar este zinc picolinato como suplemento y estoy muy satisfecha con los resultados. Me siento con más energía y noto que mi sistema inmunológico está más fuerte. Además, no he experimentado ningún efecto secundario negativo. Lo recomendaría a cualquiera que necesite un impulso en su salud general.

Nicole L. on  May 11, 2024


Desde que comencé a tomar el zinc he notado que ya no me enfermo con tanta frecuencia, y cuando lo hago, los síntomas son mucho menos graves y se resuelven más rápido. Además, he notado una mejora en la salud de mi piel. Definitivamente seguiré usando este producto!

Gigi Y. on  Apr 22, 2024


El zinc ha sido una excelente adición a mi rutina diaria. Desde que empecé a tomarlo, he notado una mejora en mi sistema inmunológico. Recomiendo este suplemento para quienes buscan fortalecer su sistema inmunológico y mejorar su salud en general.

Erick S. on  Feb 22, 2023


Anteriormente tenia falta de zinc y me provoco perdida del gusto, pero desde que lo adquiero mejoro mi gusto e incluso siento mas apetito

Ada S. on  Feb 14, 2023


El mejor aliado para reforzar el sistema inmunológico.